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Parents Reviews


"the first time I met this lady she made me feel welcome and comfortable, my children met her for the first time and could not wait to her again , my children felt so comfortable and welcomed just like I did. my daughter has had a tough time recently so when trace met her for the first time she got all the attitude and the way that trace dealt with it was absolutely amazing , within an hour of being around trace the attitude stopped and never seen my daughter so happy, this lady is soooo amazing I couldn't have asked for a better childminder. trace is my childminder and my friend, I would highly recommend trace to anyone."

Outstanding, highly recommended

"Trace and the girls at Witsend provide a brilliant service over and above what is paid for and covered by standard childcare arrangements. Every day I pick up happy children that complain if I arrive early because it means they have to stop whichever of the many varied activities they get to do. I am absolutely confident that not only are they well looked after, they are genuinely cared about by all there which is more than evident from how they respond to and interact with Trace and her girls. Good standards of behaviour are evident and children encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions with clear reward systems for good behaviour and other successes. Each child is treated as an individual and their needs addressed accordingly, for example my middle child has bronchial asthma, which is a cough rather than a wheeze and everyone there is very clear that this is his main symptom, to put this into context, members of staff at schools he has attended before now have not listened when I've stated this explicitly and have come to me repeatedly complaining he has a cough. This is very important to me because despite years worth of experience with children with conditions such as asthma Trace has listened to me rather than assume (like many school staff members have) that she has more knowledge of my child's condition than I do. Absolutely brilliant. My youngest child has a slight speech impediment, which whilst not serious enough to warrant speech therapy does need work. Every day Trace and her staff listen to her speaking and where appropriate work with her to help rectify it with great success. I've noticed a marked improvement. Not only do I get briefed with everything I need to know when I pick them up, but if anything has been ommitted no matter how seemingly unimportant Trace will contact me that evening rather than wait until she next see's me. Additionally my children have every other weekend contact with their father who picks them up from the school. Trace collects them from their teachers and supervises the hand over, on occassions where he has not arrived on time I hear from her long before the school would consider calling which goes a long way toward my peace of mind and means I can pre empt the school calling me meaning the children get to know quickly that someone IS coming for them.

Personally I have never found any fault at all with her service, communication or her manner. I like her. I would and have recommended her to everybody I know in need of childcare.

Absolutely brilliant."

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